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Revocation Notice and Notification of Rights 660-05-65-40

(Revised 5/1/19 ML 3549)

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Before any revocation of a license takes place, a revocation notice must be sent to the provider along with the documents listed below by the Aging Services Division.

  1. The Aging Services Division shall notify the provider of the intent to revoke a license by certified mail, return requested. (The return requested is essential to validate twenty calendar day time period.)*
  2. A copy of the statutes and Department rules authorizing revocation must be given to the provider.
  3. Specific reasons must be cited in writing.  List each reason in the letter to the provider. A copy of applicable statutes and Department rules must be given to the provider.
  4. The provider must be given notice in writing of their rights. The letter must address all requirements of the law (N.D.C.C. Section 50-11-08) regarding the provider's rights.

The Aging Services Division must retain a copy of this letter.


Copies of this letter can be obtained from the Aging Services Division.


* In computing the twenty-day time period, the day the intended revocation issued is not included. The last day of the period is included, unless it is a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday; then it is the next working day.


Reference:  Administrative Code Chapter 75-01-03-06.1 (Appeals and Hearings) Computation of time.













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